Explore a comedic reimagining of the classic tale of Hensel & Gretel in a charming graphic novel format. Follow the adventures of the mischievous siblings as they navigate a world filled with laughter, surprises, and quirky characters. Experience a fresh and delightful twist on this beloved story, blending humor and charm with captivating illustrations for an enchanting reading experience.
In a whimsical adventure, young Peter Pan and his friends joyfully explore the forest until they stumble upon a mysterious portal. Transported to a dark and eerie forest teeming with bizarre creatures, they must confront challenges and battle against the monsters to find their way back home. Join them in their daring quest as they navigate through danger, bravery, and the bonds of friendship in this thrilling journey between worlds.
In an anime-style adaptation of Hans Christian Andersen's classic tale, the Snow Queen, three children embark on a journey through a magical landscape of snow and ice. Explore with them as they navigate the consequences of their village falling under a curse, encountering fantastical creatures and enchanting challenges along the way. Experience a captivating blend of fantasy, adventure, and friendship in this reimagined anime tale of the Snow Queen.