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Questions? We’ve got you covered.
What is DreamFlare?
+DreamFlare is a platform for the next generation of interactive storytellers. On DreamFlare you will be able to access both interactive comics called 'flips', and interactive films called 'spins'.
How much does DreamFlare cost?
+For full access to the platform you can either pay $2.99 per month, or $24 per year. For a limited time launch price, we are providing a year of full access at only $9.99.
What can I watch on DreamFlare?
+DreamFlare has been created specifically to showcase the Best AI-Powered entertainment, from the best human creators. This is the best AI entertainment in the world and it's only available on DreamFlare.
What Is A SPIN?
+A SPIN is an episodic show with many interactive choices, so that you as the viewer, have control over what happens next.
Can I become a creator?
+DreamFlare is accepting applications for AI creators. Visit our Become A Creator Page to learn more.
How Do I Cancel?
+To cancel your account, email us at support@dreamflare.ai and write 'cancel account' in the subject line.